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24 Jan



Posted by: Tracy Luciani Price


With mortgage rates now at ‘Ultra Low’ unheard of levels, if you have a legitimate reason to move up or down or to buy your first home then don’t delay. This statement is based on the assumption that you have secure job/income(s) so that you can do so with confidence. Simply put, you can either buy more house for the money, or you can get the lowest payment possible, one that you can easily afford. Although prime is expected to remain low, with fixed rates the lowest in history, now is the time to secure your mortgage payments for the long term. Our 10 year fixed rate is at 3.89%. INCREDIBLE!

Please call us today to review your options. We will likely give you several. And remember getting a bank mortgage anymore means you will have a Collateral Mortgage. We recommend you avoid them and if you want to know why, please call us first.