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14 Nov



Posted by: Tracy Luciani Price

RESIDENTIAL & FARM MORTGAGES + VISAS + NEW GIC’S – HERE Last week we announced our entry into farm lending. Previously we announced our new DLC Visa. This week we are very pleased to announce that we can now also provide Guaranteed Investment Certificates. The best news is that our GIC rates beat the Banks, by a long shot. RBC is 2.20%, TD is 1.45% and ours is an impressive 2.90%. AND we also have a special on for all new GIC’s booked before November 30th which carry a +0.25% bonus. So you will get 3.15% which is an exceptionally good return for 5 years, in fact the best in Canada. For those of you who don’t have a credit card and can’t get one, we also have cash collateralized Visa’s to help you build a good credit rating in time. As you can see, Dominion Lending Centres has become more than a mortgage lender. We can now offer you a variety of great products to assist your many needs. All these backed by our flexible hours (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Wed, Thursday 9 to 5 p.m., Mondays and Fridays 9-5 and Saturdays 9 to 4 p.m.) and of course our great friendly service. Two other specials of note are our NO FEE, NO LEGAL FEE, NO APPRAISAL FEE* Refinances are currently available. If you want to buy, but you have no money down, we’ve got you covered there as well. GIC’s can be used instead of RRSP’s giving you a superior (guaranteed) return when saving up your down payment. *Give us a call for more details today. Subject to change. OAC*. Most importantly we answer our phone lines ‘Live’ on your first try!