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24 Jan



Posted by: Tracy Luciani Price


The NFL playoffs are underway and the winners will come from the best overall team effort. The same is now true when you use HOME ONE CANADA’s new services to buy or sell your next home. For Buyers our GAME PLAN guarantees you will make the most points and win the game. We put your winning Home Buying Team together; coordinate all the plays, unheard of before in the realm of real estate. ONE SOURCE, ONE CALL, ONE PRICE it can’t get any simpler than this, for all your needs. MORTGAGE FINANCING,  REALTOR, HOME INPSECTION & LEGAL SERVICES for only $995.00 . SAVE BIG!

If you are planning to sell, our Home Seller service bundle is unprecedented. It includes Pre-Certifying your home in good health, Bridge Financing to eliminate the stress of moving out and moving in all on the same day, and House Clean service leaving your house spotless for the new owners. All this included in our bundled price package. Again we coordinate everything for you. If you SELL AND BUY through HOME ONE CANADA the benefits are unparalleled. Call 226-383-6476 for details.