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20 Sep



Posted by: Tracy Luciani Price

Pete called in a panic. He went out and bought a house based on his bank’s pre-approval. The Agreement of Purchase & Sale gave him 5 banking days to obtain financing, otherwise the deal becomes null and void if he does not waive the financing condition, thereby firming up the purchase. Not only did the bank end up saying NO, but they assured him that everything was fine leading him to waiving the financing condition. THEN after the purchase was firm, they turned around and said NO. Now he was in a position of being sued by the vendor if he could not close. This is why he was panicking and rightly so. His realtor then suggested he call us for help. Too bad we weren’t referred to in the first place and none of this would have happened.

You see folks, banks ‘so called’ pre-approvals(as the saying goes) are not worth the paper they are printed on. Reason being, is because the bank neither does a credit check or employment/income verification, and that is just looking for trouble. Yes there was an issue with his income, but we figured it out and got it done. We also got him a 3.74% 5 year fixed rate mortgage, and did not charge any fee or cost for our service. just think about how embarassing and frustrating it is to go out and buy a house based on a green light from the bank, to then have it all blow up.

When you get a pre-approval from us, you can rest assured that the only thing left to be approved is the property, not starting from scratch and doing what should have been done in the first place.

As for the banks, well, they all operate the same way, and it is down right unprofessional and dangerous. If you haven’t used our services before, isn’t it time you did.