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11 Dec

Is Financial Stress Making You Sick!


Posted by: Tracy Luciani Price

Is Financial Stress Making YOU SICK 

By Tracy Luciani Price  

After looking after hundreds of clients and their mortgages over the past 15 years we believe there is a direct correlation between financial problems and sickness.  

Chronic stress over finances is literally making people sick and it is usually women first.  There is a root cause to many people’s illnesses that a pill, a doctor, a naturopath, a massage therapist or a surgeon cannot cure.  For men, the stress of not providing enough money can give them a heart attack one day.   

It can start with chronic overspending– more going out than coming in.  Both wife and husband who earn an income both spending with no real accounting or budget.   There are so many pressures today with kids’ school, cell phones, internet, mortgage, car payments, good running shoes and recreational events.   Kid’s hockey can cost a $1,000 a year with travel and equipment!  The blame game starts.  Couples who began their relationship on a solid footing are all of sudden arguing and fighting all the time , the stress levels ramp up, and someone gets really sick.  

Or it can begin with a job loss or a job with no real personal satisfaction after year after year doing something they hate, just to bring in a paycheque and then sickness creeps in Then there can be putting years of dedication to an employer to find yourself all of sudden, redundant.  You’re 50 years old and no one wants you. Trying to live on less money and depressed about it for years and all of sudden you get cancer.  

Our bodies whisper to us and we are masking our problem with pillsover the counter medications and quieting the whispers with alcohol and drugs.  They tell us things aren’t right with us but we don’t listen.   And then one day, after hundreds of days of whispering to us, we get a horrible debilitating disease.  But the root of the disease was the stress over finances.  

It’s easier to fix your finances while your body is still whispering, rather than wait till a health crisis strikes.  We are here to listen and to help.    Mortgages are our business, but we are here to help people change their lives for the better.